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Choosing the best IVF clinic

The medical technology known as IVF has played a significant role in helping infertile couples conceive a baby and start their own family. The unfortunate fact is that infertilities on the rise these days, which has led to a boom in the number of IVF clinics around these days. Every single one of these clinics claims to be the best with guaranteed results and high class facilities. But what we need to acknowledge is that there are a number of fake clinics as well whose only purpose is to take advantage of the insecurities of such patients. In most cases such IVF clinics just lead their patients to mental, physical and economical drainage.

So how do you identify a good clinic for IVF treatment. Given below are a few features that you should look into to identify a good IVF clinic:

High class medical treatment

Before anything else it is vital for you to confirm that the IVF clinic you choose provides high class medical treatment, staff facilities and follows proper hygiene. Treatments that are typically available at IVF clinics around the world are inclusive of:


– Egg donation

– Donor insemination

– Surrogacy

– Embryo freezing

– Egg sharing

– Intra-cytoplasmic sperm insemination

It should offer standard storage facilities

It is necessary for the clinic to provide standard storage facilities to be able to freeze embryos or eggs. At the same time it is vital for it to have access to donor’s sperm, embryos and eggs at all times. Apart from that make sure that you choose an IVF clinic that has an inbuilt laboratory with qualified technicians. This will guarantee that all the required tests can be performed at the clinic and you can acquire results the same day.

Consider its staff

Another very important characteristic for you to consider when you get more info about an IVF clinic that of its staff. While it is important for the clinic to have gynecologists and obstetricians on its panel. It should also have a reproduction surgeon. Having a reproduction surgeon onboard will allow the clinic to help rectify conditions in their patients like uterine abnormalities, obstruction in fallopian tubes and a number of other conditions related to reproductive organs that require surgery. They should also have a reproductive neurologist on their panel so that conditions like urinary tract, disorders in males can also be treated at the same clinic.